A warrior's duty is to generate warmth and compassion for others...Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


Our Buffalo Group

Shambhala Meditation Group of Buffalo has evolved since 1999 and became an official member of Shambhala International in June 2009.

Our Buffalo group is bound by both Lake Erie and the Niagara River. The waterfront city is also just twenty miles from Niagara Falls and home to several colleges, universities, museums and parks...as well as a growing arts community.

We meet in the historic Allentown neighborhood at the The C.G. Jung Center in their victorian era home. This location is distinguished by a three hundred year old sycamore tree that is reported to be the oldest tree in Buffalo. We are happy to be a part of this rich and diverse community, including the network of other local buddhist meditation groups.

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